- 020 8163 7876
- [email protected]
Established in 2003
Hertfordshire County Council - Assistive Technology
£Pre revenue department
Assistive Technology, also known as core technology, helps people stay at home longer and maintain their independence. It also provides reassurance to family and carers.
With modern AWS technology and advances in IOT devices it is now possible to care for people remotely.
IOT devices are placed around a person/peoples home to ensure they collect relevant information. These metrics are then sent to a AWS and further processed. Once processed by the application logic, carers and family members can visually monitor the person activity.
Assist and improve the IOT device management. The
Build the Linux Hub Firmware and create images for deploying to the IOT Hub.
Create the production ready capability using IaC.
Create website infrastructure for the marketing and application websites.
DynamoDB data pruning and purging to requirements to respect GDPR laws.
Integrate the application site with AD SSO.
Ensure AWS hosting costs are kept to a minimum.
IOT Devices
The IOT device deployments are done using a team of professional around the home. These devices are bespoke devices purchased to satisfy the requirement.
The logic of the operation lies in the central HUB devices which is sent this information. The information is then sent the AWS SNS to then be processed.
Serverless Technology
A key aspect of the infrastructure is its remarkable cost and sustainability credentials. By using the best serverless technology, the team has produced a performant and secure capability.
API Gateway, Lambda (GoLang/GO), SQS, SNS, EventBridge and Cognito create the bespoke capability to run this important application.
A scalable Dynamo DB instance is used to host the analysed data.
HUB Firmware
We created a fully automated Docker image which built the enhanced Linux firmware that creates the HUB capability. This firmware takes 6 hours to build on a performant AWS EC2 instance. Since this EC2 is hosted in an ASG, the server is scaled down when not in use to save costs.
Image files are then placed in to S3 for consumption by the application. A cost effective way for storing large files.
A repeatable and reliable way to deliver infrastructure.
Copy & Paste Code makes it easy for the team to use.
DynamoDB makes the ideal data storage capability for this type of workload. Due to it's high performant and scalable nature we automated the deployment of this.
To ensure the database only contained relevant data, we implemented the TTL processor with Kinesis streams and Firehose and a custom Lambda function to purge data into s3 buckets for archiving.
S3 Object store is ideal to host many large files such as the firmware and Lambda artifacts. We also placed the DynamoDB purged items in to S3 buckets for archiving.
The application frontend and marketing websites required to be hosted.
KO Technologies created S3 and Cloudfront capabilities to host the websites.
AWS Certificate Manager Certificates are used to secure the websites.
A well architected delivery for the assistive technology platform.
Security: Zero Trust policies implemented across all components to ensure a perfect security posture.
Costs: Savings Plans all used to reduce commercial costs. Opensource tools used to create infrastructure, which keeps costs down. Automated infrastructure provisioning allows for transient environments which allows downtime when not in use.
Performance: Serverless components are load tested and tuned to make them scale with demand.
Sustainability: Our infrastructure provisioning automation allow non production environments to be created and destroyed when not in use, Using Autoscaling groups allow servers to scale up and down when required.
Reliability: Serverless capability is deployed using the AWS Cloud to ensure everything reliable. IaC is used to deploy the components in a repeatable and reliable CI/CD.
The versatility and extensability means we can automate more make the delivery of services repeatable, reliable and reproduceable.