DevOps & Cloud Transformation

Multi year Cloud Transformation & DevOps Transformation


Company Information

Established in the UK in 1972, the retailer has become synonymous in the DIY space and offers a compelling online and in store retail experience.


Wickes Building Supplies ltd


£1.5 Billion per annum

Wickes ECommerce Platform


A multi year program which started with an AWS to AWS migration of Wickes eCommerce workloads led to a major demerger program in which a data centre migration completed successfully.


The clients requirement were to move the eCommerce Hybris website capability to a new AWS account.
Once parity is established then embark on the continuous improvement of the platform and a DevOps Transformation.


Phase 1 included a lift and shift of EC2 and RDS instances from parent company owned AWS account to company owned AWS accounts. Spot instances & scheduled scaling introduced to reduce costs for non production workloads.

Phase 2 includes a complete overhaul of CI/CD to introduce Docker Swarm for complex transient Hybris eCommerce Test Environments. Introduced Packer to build AMI’s and new Terraform Code to create the immutable infrastructure to replace static infrastructure. Datadog implemented to monitor Infrastructure, application and synthetic tests.


Jenkins Pipelines are updated to Jenkins 2.0 and Packer introduced for Nginx, Hybris & Solr AMI builds. All eCommerce infrastructure created as immutable for ZeroOps.
Zero DownTime deployments achieved with AWS platform and Hybris Type System Changes.
Overall 75% decrease in time to production.

BitRise Mobile Application CI/CD Pipelines are in place to allow mobile applications developers to build IOS and Android Apps with ease.
Cloudcraft integrated to create Architecture Diagrams for an ever growing estate of applications.
Datadog implemented for early visibility of potential problems.

Wickes Demerger (Autonomy) Program


A multi year program which started with an AWS to AWS migration of Wickes eCommerce workloads led to a major demerger program in which a data centre migration completed successfully.


The client want to embark on a massive demerger program to become a stand alone business entity. At the technical level this means moving the application infrastructure away from a hosted data centre and creating an IT capability solely for the new business.


Phase 1 – to lift and shift the business and infrastructure.
Phase 2 – Create a TCO and commercials for AWS with all of the new infrastructure being created.
Phase 3 – Create a CCoE capability.
Phase 4 – Fully Automated build of the Cloud for Wickes.

KO Technologies promoted a shift left practise and automated the creation of Palo Alto firewalls and their configurations. This led to a shared responsibility and auditable change process. The firewalls act as a defense between the transit gateway connected VPC’s.
Cost Saving’s and continuous improvement by way of regular engagements with AWS Enterprise Team.

Cost savings and continuous improvement by way of regular engagements with AWS Enterprise Team.
Cost savings also implemented in Datadog with pricing agreement.
On demand & Scheduled provisioning of Infrastructure also drove down costs.


KO Technologies were instrumental in leading the cloud strategy. Involvement in the AWS, Datadog , Atlassian and Pager Duty Commercial decisions were also part of creating the cloud strategy.

KO Technologies created a highly capable Cloud Platform Centre of Excellence to ReHost, RePlatform or Redesign the applications.
DevOps Tool choice for process and technology automation was also promoted by us. We defined the cloud operating model for Wickes, with 24/7 infrastructure support.

Using the Hashicorp toolset we set out to create 20 AWS Organisation connected Accounts. Packer to build everything from Active Directory to Complex Design systems to be hosted by Terraform in AWS. Operational dashbaords & monitors also automated.
A DevOps mindset from the start enabled a successful delivery.

End User Compute Implemented by way of a massive automated AppStream implementation.
End User Client VPN’s created Via Global Protect to centralize the many VPN systems previously created.

AWS Accounts
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The right tools for the job


Automation First Innovation