DevOps & Cloud Transformation

Cloud Transformation & DevOps Transformation


Company Information

A specialist transport focused ticketing company


CoreThree ltd


£3 Million per annum

Windows Server & Application Platform


Corethree uses mobile technology to solve the ticketing challenges of your business. The Corethree team create advanced mobile software together with their application in AWS to make boarding public transport and events seamless.


The challenges were:-

Fully automate patching of the Windows Server EC2 instances.

To introduce a fully automated CI/CD pipelines to deliver the next application version.

To create the foundations of the Next Generation Microservice API's

To introduce Terraform IaC to make it easier to manage the AWS configuration.

To introduce better observability for the infrastructure and application.


Phase 1 – We create a BitBucket pipelines for Packer. The Packer Image being built was the base layer to build an AMI with the latest Windows 2016 patches.

The second layer was for the application build process to produce an AMI which would server the application runtime.

Phase 2 – We created Terraform & Terragrunt code to create new AWS EC2, MemCache and S3 resources for new application stacks and replaced the old environments with the new.

Phase 3 - After a successful POC, we created strategic AWS API Gateway and Lambda Microsrevices Terraform code to allow the CoreThree team to build their next generation service layer.

All work completed with fully automated solutions including Datadog integration for observability.


Automated the creation of the Datadog Capability to better alert on issues.
Implemented scheduled scaling, savings plans and reserved instances to reduce costs.

BitBucket pipelines to build everything from applications to infrastructure have been implemented to fortify the DevOps automation requirement.

DevOps Advisory services provided to create a DevOps platform team and how to build a better way of working between the staff.

AWS Accounts
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