AWS Infrastructure for their new Covid Vaccination Application
EVA Health integrates to the NHS to provide cutting edge software systems to track covid vaccinations and much more.
Eva Health Technologies
£3 million per annum
EVA Health technologies specialise in working with the NHS and other health companies to provide effective solutions.
The clients requirements were to host a new covid vaccination platform using AWS and monitor the systems in Datadog. The application stack was a node.js, docker and DocumentDB.
Phase 1 – to implement new application stack infrastructure, network, cloud adoption and automation.
Terraform automation was used for creating AWS ECS Fargate clusters to create the container platform in AWS. The Cognito, DocumentDB, AWS WAF, ElasticSearch and other AWS components were also automated.
GitHub pipelines to build Docker images for ECR and update the Terraform task definitions to update the ECS cluster with new iterations of the code.
Datadog Dashboards and monitors are also created using Terraform and alerting via Pager Duty.
For security AWS WAF used to protect the internet facing infrastructure.
DevOps Advisory services provided to create a DevOps platform team.
A real example of cloud native application making the best use of the AWS cloud and other cloud services to achieve xero downtime deployments and 99.999999% uptime.
AWS ECS Fargate is used to host the docker stack. A fully elastic scaling model with blue green deployments keeps the application running with zero ops.
We migrated the existing code from Pulumi to Terraform to provide an enhanced IaC code base which gave better control and predictability.